Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Just Rolling Along....

The kids and I had fun Friday night during the PTA's Free Classic Fun Center skate night. It was free to get in if your family had a student that went to Antelope Elementary. You could bring a scooter or your own skates/blades and use them or rent a pair of skates for a dollar. Tyler actually went with a friend but I caught up with him and snapped this picture. He likes to make funny faces at the camera.

Sydney was able to see some friends that were from her old school. She is hard to keep up with on skates!

Dallin was mesmerized by all of the lights and music. He loved it when I put on skates and pushed his in his stroller! He was mad when I had to stop because it was time to go. It was a fun evening for all. Ryan wasn't able to come because he was working late on his new business that he has been starting up.