Here are some pictures of some things the kids and I did on Pioneer Day. For us it was a day of spending time as a family. Ryan had to work that day so I took the kids down to Randy and Katie's place. We raided Kristi's pool at her new apartment complex. She is completly moved in and is now a Utahn! There were mostly college kids around since it is on campus at BYU. No, She isn't going to school there. She is looking for work as a photographer. She took the photos of us in the pool using my camera. She knows way more about it than I do. Hers is even better than mine but she left it at the apartment. I just love this photo of Tyler and Dallin. They have the same expression and look alike.
My boys
Katie and Malia tried to enjoy the water, but Malia thought the water was too cold. She is used to the water at the local pool that is much warmer. Isn't this a great shot of Katie?!
Sydney and McKenzie are 18 months apart. Having a cousin close to your age is so fun!
After spending the afternoon together eating and swimming, we headed over to Randy and Katie's church ward bar-b-que. Keep in mind this is before the slimfast diet. The party was held at a member's house and they had a pool in the backyard. The backyard was right on a ridge that overlooked Provo, BYU and the Temple. It was a beautiful day. Here is a pic of the pool and the next one is of Provo Canyon.
Now, bear with me as I originally intended to write a small blurb about Pioneer Day, but it ended up writing an essay about Pioneers. Hey, I thought I wasn't in school anymore!
Living in Utah has it's perks. We have an extra holiday that is recognized by most businesses. It is Pioneer Day. It's to remember the sacrifices and lives that were lost as well as the people who helped found this great state. When the pioneers came and President Brigham Young looked over this valley, it was a desert. Yet "this is the place" was the visionary statement from a Prophet of God. It truely blossomed like a rose and is still blooming. It didn't happen overnight and not everything was rosy from the beginning. There was a lot of work involved. People died, families were seperated in some cases as some chose to stay back east. But the people banded together and supported one another. God blessed them as they learned to do whatever was asked of them. I am lucky to have actual pioneer ancestors that crossed the plains during this period of time. They were from England and had been converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by a Missionary (future Prophet) Elder Wilford Woodruff. They came across the seas in search of Zion. They were poor and arrived with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They joined the ill-fated
Willie Handcart Company that left too late in the season to ensure a safe journey across the plains. They became stuck in the snow and bitter cold hundreds of miles from their destination- Utah. My ancestors endured frost-bite, sickness and starvation but held onto their belief that what they were doing was what God wanted them to do and where they were going was where God wanted them to be! Their love of God was greater that any desire for a comfortable home or milder climate. They could have stayed back in England or even on the East Coast. Instead they pressed on to their ultimate goal. This is the "stock" of people I am from. Now, I believe a person can be a pioneer in their own right. The Webster's Dictionary definition of pioneer is 1: one that originates or helps open up a new line of thought or activity. 2: a early settler. Many different people can be a pioneer of many different things. My mother joined
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a young adult. This changed the pattern of thought that was followed by her ancestors and her own family. She is a pioneer in her own right. So, having a pioneer heritage is great, but personally knowing a pioneer is more life altering. They were the ones to take a courageous leap that ultimatly changed the course of mankind. Martin Luther King was a pioneer. Marco Polo was a pioneer as well as Thomas Edison, Albert Einstien. But for me to be able to say that my own Mother is a pioneer is awesome. I can say that I was raised by a pioneer! Now, a person can say that by joining a religion is hardly worth being called a pioneer. Tell that to
Joseph Smith. Tell that to any Jew, Muslim or Islamic believer. By changing or joining a religion, you are shaping the moral fibers of society. Without morality, chaos exists. When chaos rules, no one is happy and life is confusing. I am so glad I know some basic truths about being humble, prayerful and hopeful. I am thankful to know that life does exist after death. I am thankful to know that if I choose to lead a good, moral life, I will be rewarded in the next life as well as blessed in this life. I may not have an easy life, but God will help me as I seek to chose the right. I am thankful for religion being in my life as well as the good people of other religions or non-religious believers who seek to be the best they can be. I am thankful for the guidance that the religion I belong to has given me. God bless the pioneers!
Great shots! (I even look skinny(er). Gotta love the water. The pic of the girls is cute, I wanna a nice camera. Thanx for coming down and hangin with us, it was fun. Hope to do it again soon. love ya, good luck with your weight loss goal, I should probably do the same, I'm just too tired/lazy, whatever you want to call it.
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