Monday, July 28, 2008

Frontier Pies for Breakfast

Frontier Pies in Rexburg is our traditional place to eat breakfast when we visit any student of BYU-Idaho in our family. We love the great food, the interesting decor and, of course, the delightful company. We ate here before going back to the Hotel to pack up to go home. We recomend it to anyone who visits Rexburg.

Tyler posed with this drunken man that is on display around the side of the restaurant. He has been a fixture for at least a couple of years.

This last one is of Kendra about 7 1/2 months pregnant. Doesn't she look great! That's the end of my pictures from Idaho! I hope everyone enjoys them!


So Many M's said...

Cute background, and great shots of the weekend. I linked you on mine for anyone who wanted to see more shots of the happenings of that weekend, cuz dangit I just don't get the best shots. Thanx for hanging out with us on the

Heidi said...

Looks like a fun filled weekend. Don't you love family get togethers. We're so due for one. We're going to the OR coast for Thanksgiving. Glad you had a good time.