Monday, July 28, 2008

Waiting before Rob walks.....

The oldest four cousins- Tyler, Sydney, McKenzie and Morgan.
The current youngest three cousins- Dallin, Malia and Alyssa.

Micah was having a difficult time and so he wanted to stay in time-out. I thought this was a cute picture though. Three/four-year olds!! They want to be in charge even if what they want is not the best!

McKenzie looked so grown up in this picture!

Katie and I watched the cousins while Grandma, Grandpa, Rob, Kendra, her mom Sandy, Kristi and Randy went to the Dinner and Commencement Ceremony. Then, Katie and I drove the eight cousins to the campus and joined them all for the Convocation which is when Rob got to "walk" up on stage to get his "diploma". Rob had actually taken a final earlier that morning so he has to get the results to see if he passed before he gets his real diploma in the mail. Pictures of Rob graduating are coming next! Tips for those attending the graduation in summer- bring water because the John W. Hart Main Auditorium is not air conditioned. There was a big line for the juice machine. They are building another auditorium but I'm not sure if it will be finished by next summer.