Sunday, September 6, 2009

College Update

I was sooo happy and surprised when I found out I got a B+ in my Intermediate Algebra class and an A in my English class. Both classes were intensive, but the English class was a seven week course. Of course moving and dealing with many other issues was one of the reasons I didn't even dream of pulling off anything but a B- or less in math. What a self-esteem booster!

Now I'm in College Algebra/Trigonometry and English 2010. So far the math is just review for me, but for others it is harder since they haven't had math for a while. I guess my last math teacher taught us a few things beyond what she needed too, which is helping me now in the harder class. I just thought some of you would appreciate an update on how my schooling was going. I need to spend some time doing my homework now. Take care!


Denise G said...

great job. It sounds like your math teacher was excellent.

Ditto Family said...

Way to go!!! Keep plugging along. The reward will be great in the end.

Andrea said...


I just read your blog for the first time in awhile (too long!) and wanted to say I'm very sorry about your seperation / divorce. Please know that you now have one more person thinking of you! It sounds like school is going great -- that is wonderful! I'm also glad that your parents are there with you. I admire your hard work and effort during this time.

Andrea S.

CJ said...

Good job! I have no desire to go back to school, unless it is Culinary School. But, I am proud of you and your success. Keep up the good work.